Television and Video
In this appearance on WFAA, Channel 8 Dallas Ft. Worth, the Good Morning Texas show, Life Coach Michele discusses the "Three E's of Career Change", and helps you understand how to find satisfaction in your professional life
Avoiding the Pink Slip in a Tough Economy, CW 33 News
Dallas Life Coach Michele Wahlder offers advice to The CW 33 News in Dallas on avoiding the pink slip by becoming an indispensable employee in this shaky economy.
Stress relief and relaxation methods that can be done anywhere, even in a busy parking lot. Dallas Life Coach Michele Wahlder and WFAA stop people in the streets to tell them about National Relaxation Day. Michele shows those passerby who weren't too busy to stop techniques for relaxing and relieving stress.
Mental Spring Cleaning, Good Morning Texas with Dallas Life Coach Michele Wahlder
Michele Wahlder appeared on WFAA, Channel 8 Dallas Ft. Worth, Good Morning Texas show to discuss Mental Spring Cleaning and ask the question "Is your self talk toxic or tender?"
Whether the G-Spot really exists is often debated, but really, who cares? Dallas Life Coach Michele Wahlder has found a new one. She says, "Everyone's looking for this crazy, wonderful spot women are supposed to have, but truly, the G-Spot is gratitude."
Gratitude: The New G-Spot, CW 33 News